Cruise into June
“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” — Charles Bowden
Summer officially starts in June, and we can’t wait. The sun is shining, and we can relax and take time off — school’s out, so no studying is necessary, and there’s time to see our friends and family, and time for vacations and fun in the sun! We hope everyone has a fabulous summer enjoying every moment with safe travels. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Maintenance Tips
Need something fixed? We can’t fix it if we don’t know it’s broken! You can submit a service request in one of two ways: Call the office during regular office hours, or submit online through your resident portal at buckeyevillagemansfield.com/residents. Please keep in mind that our maintenance team has limited hours on weekends, so unless it’s an emergency, don’t be alarmed if your request isn’t handled until Monday.
Also, just a reminder that maintenance will be in and out of the apartments all summer working to get rooms ready for the new students moving in for the fall semester.
Reminders & Updates
Before moving out, you MUST come to the office and fill out a move-out form, leave us your forwarding address, and turn in your keys to Melissa or Meredith only. DO NOT FORGET TO TURN IN YOUR KEYS.
Rent is due on the 1st of each month! Luckily, you have until the 3rd to pay your rent before late fees begin accruing on the 4th at 8 a.m. Payments can be made via your resident portal or dropped in the rent dropbox in front of the GM’s office — even if it’s after hours. If you have any questions regarding the payment portal or about your account, please see Meredith Boylan or Melissa Miller in the office Monday–Friday.
Locked out of your apartment or have a maintenance emergency? Remember: There is always a Community Assistant on call! Just call (419) 565-6499, and you’ll be connected with the Community Assistant who’ll be able to assist you.
Summer Like a Local
Whether you’re going home or staying put for the summer, take advantage of all our community has to offer! Summers can be a great chance to enjoy the area in some new and different ways. With the hectic pace of school, many students miss out on opportunities to get involved and have fun in their local community during the academic year — it’s time to change that! From festivals to parks and local attractions, below are some ways you can summer like a local. As a bonus, most of them are either free or very affordable!
- Do something touristy
- Visit a farmers market
- Check out a local sporting event
- Visit your Chamber of Commerce website to find out about local attractions
- Find a calendar of nearby fairs and festivals
- Enjoy Fourth of July festivities and fireworks
- Hike or bike a nearby trail
- Volunteer with a local organization
- Have a picnic
- Go to an outdoor movie or concert
- Run or walk a local 5K
We’ll also be planning events and activities for you throughout the summer, and if you need ideas for other fun things to do in the area, please let us know. We have information on area resources and a local calendar of events on hand to give you plenty of options. Have a memorable and fun summer!
Community Events
Donut Day — Friday, June 7 from 9–11 a.m. — Stop by the clubhouse and get some donuts and a cup of coffee to start your morning off just right!
Volleyball Tournament — Tuesday, June 11 from 5–7 p.m. — Come to the courtyard ready to play!
Ice Cream Social — Thursday, June 20 from 4–6 p.m. — Who doesn’t love ice cream? We’ll have ice cream with sprinkles and more in the clubhouse.
Buckeye Resident Cookout — Thursday, June 27 from 5–7 p.m. — Come to the courtyard for a cookout with all the fixin’s! This is our first cookout this year, and we’ll celebrate summer!