Fall Is Here!
“Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude.” — Nigel Hamilton
Well, you’ve had time to settle in here at Buckeye Village, and we hope you’re happy here! We sure are happy and thankful to have you. This is the time of year when the leaves change colors, the weather gets cooler, we put on our sweaters and hoodies, and football dominates our weekends. Be sure to take time this month to stop and be thankful for the little things in your life as well as the big things, such as family and friends!
We wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Maintenance Tips
Need something fixed? We can’t fix it if we don’t know it’s broken! You can submit a service request in one of two ways: Call the office during regular office hours, or submit online through your resident portal at buckeyevillagemansfield.com/residents. Please keep in mind that our maintenance team has limited hours on weekends, so unless it’s an emergency, don’t be alarmed if your request isn’t handled until Monday.
Lockouts: Per your lease, if we have to come unlock your door, it will cost you $25 during office hours, and $50 after-hours! So don’t forget to grab your keys when you leave your apartment to save your wallet the grief.
Don’t forget to lock up your bedrooms and apartments over Thanksgiving break!
Reminders & Updates
Rent is due on the 1st of each month! Luckily, you have until the 3rd to pay your rent before late fees begin accruing on the 4th at 8 a.m. Payments can be made via your resident portal or dropped in the rent dropbox in front of the GM’s office — even if it’s after hours. If you have any questions regarding the payment portal or about your account, please see Melissa Miller or Kathy Cetinich in the office Monday–Friday from 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Locked out of your apartment or have a maintenance emergency? Remember: There is always a Community Assistant on call! Just call (419) 565-6499, and you’ll be connected with the Community Assistant who’ll be able to assist you.
Building a Career in College
College is such a busy, crazy time for many people that focusing on the here and now is all most can do. Well, good news! There are several ways to incorporate career building into your everyday busy life. By taking the following steps, you’ll be on your way to creating a successful future for yourself:
- Check out the Career Success Portal. Did you know that your community offers you 24/7 access to millions of jobs and internships along with many tools to improve your resume and interviewing skills? Check out CareerSuccessPortal.com and create an account today!
- Visit your university’s career center. Employers are focusing more and more on experience and skills rather than just good grades. Get in touch with organizations through the career center to branch out and participate in different activities you normally wouldn’t have. This gives you a chance to explore your major and others, and see what you’re truly passionate about.
- Evaluate yourself. Your future employer will want to know why you’re a good fit for their company. College is about finding your strengths and weaknesses — take time now to figure out your skills, values, personality traits, and interests. Learning about yourself will help prepare you for interviews when you’re hit with the question, “What do you think you will excel at the most in this position?”
- Challenge yourself. The more you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone, the more likely you’re to overcome your weaknesses. Apply for the part-time job at your apartment complex you normally wouldn’t apply for, or take that theater class you’ve always wanted to take. By challenging yourself, you’re building important skills and personality traits that will help you rise within your field.
- Take your work seriously. Whether you have a part-time job or volunteer, take the experience seriously. You can use previous supervisors for references when you are beginning your career. It will pay off in the long run to succeed in the workplace by building useful skills that you’ll have for life.
- Find a mentor. Find someone who is doing what you want to do. You can search on LinkedIn to get connected and network with others in your field who are also passionate about what they do. Talk to your professors and pick their brains as to why they chose the career they did. Once you find a mentor, everything can change. You become more motivated to succeed in something you love doing because you have someone who makes the experience a million times better.
Did you know you can build your credit history just by paying your rent? A strong credit history can help you with achieving personal and professional success. We have partnered with RentTrack to offer you the opportunity to have your rent payments reported to all three credit bureaus! Participants in this program have seen their credit scores go up an average of 51 points! Get more details and enroll today at renttrack.com/campus-advantage.
Community Events
Cornhole Tournament — Tuesday, November 5 from 5–7 p.m. — Join us for a tournament out back in the courtyard with snacks and prizes! Sign up to play in the clubhouse.
S’mores and Hot Chocolate — Thursday, November 14 from 5–7 p.m. — Join us at the fire pit out back by building 2 to make s’mores and have a cup of hot chocolate to celebrate the fall season.
Thanksgiving Lunch — Thursday, November 21 from 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. — Stop by the clubhouse for some Thanksgiving goodies because we’re thankful for you, our favorite residents!
Bagels for Breakfast — Monday, November 25 from 9 a.m.–noon — Come to the clubhouse and get some coffee and a bagel to start your day!