It’s Holiday Season!
“Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us.” — David Cameron
As final exams draw near, we know Christmas is almost here. This is the time of year when we enjoy the Christmas lights, play in the snow, and enjoy the feeling of Christmas all around. There’s just something about it that brings out the best in all of us. Good luck to all of you on your finals! You’ve worked hard to get through this semester!
Please have safe travels home, and enjoy your time with family and friends!
We wish everyone a merry Christmas, and we’ll be excited to see all of your smiling faces back for the next semester here at Buckeye Village.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Maintenance Tips
Need something fixed? We can’t fix it if we don’t know it’s broken! You can submit a service request in one of two ways: Call the office during regular office hours, or submit online through your resident portal at buckeyevillagemansfield.com/residents. Please keep in mind that our maintenance team has limited hours on weekends, so unless it’s an emergency, don’t be alarmed if your request isn’t handled until Monday.
Don’t forget to lock up your bedrooms and apartments over Christmas break!
Don’t forget to take your trash out before you leave for Christmas break!
Reminders & Updates
Rent is due on the 1st of each month! Luckily, you have until the 3rd to pay your rent before late fees begin accruing on the 4th at 8 a.m. Payments can be made via your resident portal or dropped in the rent dropbox in front of the GM’s office — even if it’s after hours. If you have any questions regarding the payment portal or about your account, please see Melissa Miller or Kathy Cetinich in the office Monday–Friday from 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Locked out of your apartment or have a maintenance emergency? Remember: There is always a Community Assistant on call! Just call (419) 565-6499, and you’ll be connected with the Community Assistant who’ll be able to assist you.
Tips to Help You Through Finals Week
The time that you’ve been dreading all semester is here: final exams. This is a very stressful time for everyone, so remember to take a minute just for you.
Studies have shown that when you take one minute just for yourself every 30 minutes, your grades will improve. Cramming has proven not to work because you’re stressed, exhausted, and less likely to absorb everything that you’re trying to learn. Taking a minute just for you will allow you to breathe and reset your mind as you continue to study.
After your minute, make sure to take 10 more minutes to review what you’ve learned, and then 20 more minutes of new information before you take another break.
Just thinking about final exams gets stressful, so make sure to breathe and prepare the right way. Whether you’re writing papers, presenting, or taking an exam, preparation is the best way to get an A.
Here are some professor-approved study tips:
- Drink water, not soda or energy drinks.
- Eat fruits and veggies to give you natural energy.
- Turn your phone off as you study to lessen distractions.
- Find a study partner so you can quiz each other.
- Use the on-campus tutoring centers or peer-led groups.
- Talk to your professors! It shows that you care and are trying to do well.
- Make sure to eat a good breakfast the day of your exam. It truly is the most important meal of the day.
As a member of the Campus Advantage team, we want to do all we can to help you succeed! Make sure to stop by your local front office to see what resources or events they have to help you during this stressful week. We know that all of you are going to do amazing on your final exams!
Community Events
Milk and Cookies — Tuesday, December 3, All Day — Santa isn’t the only one who gets cookies for Christmas. We’ll have milk and cookies in the clubhouse, so come and enjoy some Christmas sweets!
Movie Night — Friday, December 6 @ 8 p.m. — Come watch some Christmas movies in the clubhouse and enjoy some popcorn!
Grab Bags — Monday, December 9, All Day — Stop by the clubhouse and get your grab bag filled with goodies for exam week. Five of the grab bags will have a special prize inside — will you be a winner?
Grab-and-Go Donuts — Wednesday, December 18 from 9 a.m.–noon — Who doesn’t like donuts? Stop in and grab one or two to start your day!