It’s Officially Summer!
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” — John F. Kennedy
July is the month we celebrate Independence Day. We have picnics, fireworks, parties, and parades. But let’s all take a moment to just to be thankful for our great country and all the sacrifices the men and women before us have made so that we can have our freedom today. Everyone, enjoy your Fourth of July! Be safe and have fun.
Also, just a reminder that our office will be closed on the July 4 so our staff can enjoy the holiday, too! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Maintenance Tips
Need something fixed? We can’t fix it if we don’t know it’s broken! You can submit a service request in one of two ways: Call the office during regular office hours, or submit online through your resident portal at buckeyevillagemansfield.com/residents. Please keep in mind that our maintenance team has limited hours on weekends, so unless it’s an emergency, don’t be alarmed if your request isn’t handled until Monday.
Also, just a reminder that maintenance — painters, cleaners, and maintenance workers — will be in and out of the apartments all summer working to get rooms ready for the new students moving in for the fall semester.
Reminders & Updates
Before moving out, you MUST come to the office and fill out a move-out form, leave us your forwarding address, and turn in your keys to Melissa only. DO NOT FORGET TO TURN IN YOUR KEYS.
Rent is due on the 1st of each month! Luckily, you have until the 3rd to pay your rent before late fees begin accruing on the 4th at 8 a.m. Payments can be made via your resident portal or dropped in the rent dropbox in front of the GM’s office — even if it’s after hours. If you have any questions regarding the payment portal or about your account, please see Meredith Boylan or Melissa Miller in the office Monday–Friday.
Locked out of your apartment or have a maintenance emergency? Remember: There is always a Community Assistant on call! Just call (419) 565-6499, and you’ll be connected with the Community Assistant who’ll be able to assist you.
Have a Successful Summer with CA!
With summer in full swing, you might be finding yourself with some extra time on your hands. Summer can be an amazing time to have fun, enjoy trips and activities, attend baseball games, go to a farmers market, and much more. But summer can also be perfect for gearing up professionally! Check out some of the following tips on how you can give yourself the “Campus Advantage” above your peers this summer:
- Visit your campus’s career center. Since it’s summer, they are often less busy and can give you individual support for updating your resume or prepping you for an upcoming interview.
- Log in to your resident portal and take advantage of the numerous resources in the Campus Advantage Career Success Portal!
- Even if you don’t absolutely need a job this summer, consider finding a low-key part-time position that could provide you with some extra resume experience. Consider positions with transferable skills that would benefit your major.
- Find a new volunteer opportunity or organization to join that fits a hobby of yours or helps others. Giving back looks great on your resume, makes a difference, and makes you feel good at the same time!
- Hard to believe that shopping can help your professional game, but stores often have sales on business wear during the summer. Check out the racks to see if you can find a few classic interview-appropriate pieces for the fall.
- Stop by the management office and let them know what kind of events they could host this summer/fall to help make you successful!
Share how you’re going to boost your success this summer with other Campus Advantage residents by posting on social media with the hashtag #CASummerSuccess.
Community Events
Basketball Tournament — Wednesday, July 10 from 5–7 p.m. — Come to the courtyard ready to play!
Treat Yo’ Self Thursday — Thursday, July 18 — Stop by the clubhouse for some sweet treats. We’ll have some ice cream treats and popsicles to cool you off from the summer heat!
Pizza for Lunch — Wednesday, July 31 from 11 a.m.–1 p.m. — We want to buy your lunch for move-out day. Join us for pizza in the clubhouse!